Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Game Review 101

I was thinking what t review then I came up on this game. I thought I already had reviewed it but when I searched the System it said no. So here we are in Bolivia

Image result for ghost recon wildlands trailer

The Wild Story

Welcome Ghosts to Bloivia a Country Controlled by Fear and Death. Your mission is to free it from the Santa Blanca Cartel. WHere in Bloivia there are a lot of groups. The Rebels are the local people who try to fight the problem of the drug lords and the cartel. The Military Police Force Unidad are on the Cartel's Payroll so try to stay away from them if you wanna live. Then The Cartel which you know about. Your Mission, Find the threat and Burn the Cartel down. And Remember Ghosts Credit is Failure you will destry the whole cartel and no one will know who was holding the Lines. Trailer below.

How Gory does this get?

This game has it's F bombs and other language that comes up when you or your teammates get hurt. Couple of other foul words will pop up suddenly. The Violence is bad as when walking The Cartel is burning  , and torturing people. I recommend it for ages 15+.

The Rating

This game is very fun to chill and play some missions or co -op. The Vehicles are interesting and fun! I rate it a 8.5/10


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