My Top Most Wanted GAmes!

Hello everyone welcome back. Today were counting top my Top Wanted GAmes that are coming soon.

Well I have been finding a lack in games to in the Switch But these games will stop that from happening.  And some Xbox games 2

#10  Madden 18. YEs I do like sports games and since I like football I picked up Madden 17 and so When this goes on sale I'lll pick it up.

#9 MArio+ Rabbiods Kingdom Battles
Yup this game looks like fn and since I like mario why not?

#8 Battlefront 2. While being a Star Wars fan and owning all movies I some how know I'll pick this up eventually. 

#7 Skyrim For Switch
Bethesheda has made some great games but non like their adventure games. I'm exited to hear that Skyrim is for Switch On THe Go! With their new amibo feature then ... heck ya!

#6 Pokken Tournament Deluxe 
I wanted a Pokemon RPG but eh we got this. But still i'm HYPED for this on the Switch.

Now were at the top 5: GET READY

#5 Forza Motorsport 7 After Playing Horizon 3 I really wanted a new Motorsport type game. Well when I was watching E3 I was happy that they announced Forza Motorsport 7. A car racing game!

#4     Lego Marvel Superheroes 2
I'm hyped for this b/c I love Lego games. And more importantley we get Guardians of The Galaxy in this game.

#3 Call of Duty World War 2
Call of Duty games Is what I try to get. So After I heard bout this I pre ordered it. 

#2 Splatoon 2: My brother owned a Wii U and I Bought Splatoon 1 for it and enjoyed the Multiplayer shooting style. ( I bleive it was my first type of shooter). So when I bought my switch I was exited to see this.

Now this is the #1 Most of you problem know what this is. Now let's a go.

#1 Super Mario Oddsey :
Me being a huge Mario fan. I need this game. I played Mario 3D land on 3ds and Super Mario 3D World. And aslo the Super Mario bros 2. So I will defiently get this one.

Well that's my list hope you enjoyed it. Please follow the blog to get notified when we put up a new post. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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